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Bauen neu denken - ökologische Materialen im modernen Bauen einsetzen

Rethinking construction - using ecological materials in modern construction

ökologisch bauen


Wir setzen in unser Projekten mehr und mehr Materialien wie Lehm und Holz ein. Neben ervorrgaden thermischen Eigenschaften wird das Raumklima signifikant verbessert.


We use more and more materials such as clay and wood in our projects. In addition to the thermal properties, the indoor climate is significantly improved.


Out of the Box - Konzept einer Buchhandel- und Eventfläche im Center Cloche d'or in Luxembourg ¦ concept, design & project management of a retail and event bookstore. Cloche d'or in Luxembourg.

Auftraggeber Librairie Ernster, Luxembourg ¦ Customer Librairie Ernster, Luxembourg


Konzept - Out of the Box


Auf über 1.000 m² hat das Unternehmen Librairie Ernster mit uns eine neues Buchhandelskonzept entwickelt und umgesetzt. Um heute eine solche Investition tätigen zu können war es wichtig ein Sortimentskonzept zu entwickeln, das es erlaubt auf Marktveränderungen schnell reagieren zu können. Alle Sortimentsbausteine kommen als "Out of the Box" und lassen sich so leicht austauschen.


The Librairie Ernster company has developed and implemented a new book trade concept with us on more than 1,000 m². In order to be able to make such an investment today, it was important to develop a range concept that would allow us to react quickly to market changes. All assortment modules come as "out of the box" and can be easily exchanged.

Grundriss Ernster


Hinter eine futuristische Glasfassade im Entré des Centers entstand eine Retail- und Eventtfläche. Ziel war es, hohe Verweildauern der Kunden zu generieren und eine offnene Raumsstruktur zu entwickeln, die neue "Raum in Raum" Erlebnisse schafft. Die komplette Planung und Umsetzung basiert auf dem internationalen DGNB Standart.


A retail and event area was created behind a futuristic glass facade in the entrance to the center. The aim was to generate long customer stays and to develop an open room structure that creates new "room in room" experiences. The complete planning and implementation is based on the international DGNB standard.

librairie ernster


Im Zentrum steht die Event-Arena ausgestattet mit mobilen Elementen und einer Audioanlage um wärend der Öffnungszeiten Veranstaltungen für die Kunden durchühren zu können.


In the center is the event arena equipped with mobile elements and an audio system so that events can be held for customers during opening hours.


café librairie ernster

Project: Eco-friendly students home in Ghana



Kooko-Foundation (in course of formation) a non-profit organization, which also provides the property free of charge. Architecture & project developement bybrübach.


Project Objectives

Supporting students in Ghana by providing housing and scholarships. Financial target is to operate the project out of its own income, scholarships will be paid by the Foundation. Kooko Foundation will hold the property on a long-lasting lease contract. The Investment should be covered by charity money. Based on a full cost calculation the calculated rent would be extraordinary expensive like other examples in Ghana are showing. Target should be a yearly rate of 500 GHS for one student. This equals approximately 100 US $.


Eco-friendly Student House


Five semi-detached houses each with four apartments, each 1-4 beds; two individual apartments for guests. Space for a maximum of 80 students, each semi-detached house has an open area for cooking and dining on the ground floor, an open area as a lounge on the first floor. The whole area will be provided with Wi-Fi network.

Construction with adobe clay bricks which supports a wealthy climate in the rooms so now electric air condition is needed. The ceilings are constructed as wooden ceilings with clay impact for thermal insulation. The open space allows the wind to cool the place as well as existing Mango-trees are spending shade. The houses are in line with the predominant wind direction to allow cross ventilation for the bedrooms and the open space. Every day live in Ghana takes place mostly outdoor. The open space areas make it possible. This Under the roof the students are save in the raining season. Cooking, eating and learning as a co-working and living space.

The entire concept should be implemented eco-friendly. Traditional way off living combined with modern knowledge of eco-friendly constructions using local and sustainable materials. Rainwater is collected and treated for drinking and service water; hot water is heated with solar panels under the roof. Drinking water well and treatment plant are with solar panel electrically supplied. Wastewater cleaned with the aid of a clarification pond. Waste will be divided; the foundation will take care of opportunities of recycling.


ground plan


The students are given the opportunity to produce vegetables themselves on the farm and are taught by the Foundation, e.g. supported when plowing. All trades and constructions are structured in such a way that local craftsmen can receive and implement the orders. The investment should support and develop the local market.

guest house

Projekt: Konzeptionierung der Bahnhofsbuchhandlung Ludwig im Bahnhof Friedrichstraße Berlin ¦ Concept of a bookshop in the railway station Friedrichstraße Berlin

Ludwig Berlin

Projekt: Zahnartztpraxis Flexig Witzenhausen ¦ dental practice Witzenhausen


Projekt: Projekt Management für Schmitt & Trunk am Flughafen Wien ¦ project management at the airport Vienna

Gate C
Gate G